Ink & Toner

Spring Photo Printing Tips

Nature photos are always part of our collection. Either our own backyard flowers or a great scene at a park or taken on a vacation trip. All of us feel the need to capture the beauty of spring. Learn how to take and print great spring photos with specific tips we’ve gathered for you. Take advantage of 10% discount on remanufactured and compatible cartridges to start printing now.


How to Take Great Spring Photo Tips

Spring must be the favorite season for photographers because you can capture the ever changing color scheme from very soft light during early spring along with nature not being very colorful to lots of color at the end of the season.

Use the following 3 main distances for best spring photos:

• Macro for flowers, bugs, bees, etc…
• Middle that is from 1 to 10 meters for a specific action in the woods
• Far Away for whole meadows with forest that can include the sky or a photo of the sky itself also needs a shoot from long distance.

Other Spring Photo Taking Tips

• When taking photos of flowers carefully plan the background don’t just point and shoot. The background should be neutral and without different colors that will distract from the main motive
• When shooting moving animals make sure to keep the moving target from the edge of the picture to allow some space.
• Spring is known for weather changes to happen without notice so be prepared with the correct equipment to save your precious equipment from water drops or light rain. You also need to wear protective gear when you know protection might be needed so you can take advantage of the rain and take great photographs.

We’d like to recommend a great site that has wonderful insight and tips on different photo taking skills. Ian Plant Dreamscapes Photo Tips is the name and you’ll find free tutorials on how to photograph rainbows, using live view for nature photography to name a few. Great place to visit for tips.

How to Print Great Spring Photos Tips

So you have some nice shoots now of the beauty of spring. Do not waste ink and paper that won’t do justice to your creation printing on draft mode on regular copy paper. Just as you took the time to have the right equipment to take the photo make sure you have the right equipment to print. You need good photo printer, some photo printers require photo ink cartridges and also photo paper available. If you have those you will ensure perfect spring photo results.

The following are some photo printing tips and comments to help you printing results to be as beautiful as the real thing:

Digital Photo printing has one singular but big problem – RESOLUTION!! If you want to print a large photo without enough pixels. So planning is beforehand because the higher resolution of your camera the largest the photo you’ll be able to print.

A great place to get info and great tips is HP’s Digital photo printing tips and ideas . You don’t have to be an HP photo printer user to take full advantage of this information.

More on Spring Photo printing from our Inkjetsuperstore Blog!

Best Photo Printers for Spring.

How to Take and Print Flower Photos.

Photo Printing Most Common Mistakes.

Get the perfect Color Scheme for your Photos.