Ink & Toner

InkjetSuperstore's Facebook iPad Winner

Christmas week is about giving and receiving. A few months ago we began a Facebook giveaway promising to send an iPad to one lucky Facebook follower. The time has arrived and taking advantage of the gift giving spirit we are doing so right now. 5 more Facebook followers will get a $50 gift certificate to buy printer supplies. Wondering who are the lucky winners? Don’t wait any longer…


Congratulations to Inkjetsuperstore Facebook iPad Giveaway Winner!

Jan Rabinowitz

And the lucky winners of a $50 coupon code to purchase at Inkjetsuperstore are:

1. April Randazz
2. Joanie Haesloop
3. Donna Mandell
4. Austin Righteously Guided Idehen
5. Pra Sinha

We are so happy for you Jan and wish you and all the winners a very Merry Christmas!!

Help Santa with His Letter Printing for Your Kids

Christmas week is here and the one person that is at full speed, going nuts with all the preparations is Santa of course. So be a Santa's little helper and print out excellent letters for the kids in your lives to make the entire experience magical!

There are many places online where you can insert the child's information and the letter is ready to print, one of our favorites is, "Become Santa for Your Kids ".

Another great site to find help and make this letter printing business more personalized. Use a letter head template and either print with out the template and hand write the letter or write the letter in the template and then print it ready to sign.

Important Note!

Choose Optimal Printer Settings - Remember Santa only gives the best so print out in optimal settings. Make sure you don't run out of ink or toner and have the camera ready to capture the reaction! Use this weeks Free Shipping coupon to save when getting the right kind of ink cartridge or toner cartridge for your printer.